2024 Laying Up Supper

Published 09:19 on 17 Nov 2024
The shiniest night of the club year took place yesterday (16th November) with the annual awards presentation and Laying Up Supper.
This year, the celebrations took place at the clubhouse which had been adorned with as many fairy lights as possible a big shout out in particular to two of our cadets who were responsible for fairy lighting and prettifying! Tables were laid, playlists picked and prosecco poured and then it was time to kick the 2024 Laying Up Supper off; it doesn't seem all that long since last year's 75th anniversary of sailing at Roswell event!
Bubbles and welcomes started the night off for the members and their guests in attendance and then it was time for supper. Unfortunately, the weather worked against us with some drizzle whilst queuing for our chip supper, but the lit gazebo and warm company kept the chill off and with a good number of members in the club, it soon warmed up to create a warmth to match the fairy lights' glow.
After supper was time for the raffle with some great prizes ranging from wine and homewares to a jar of jam (strawberry, of course). There were lots of giggles and thanks to all who donated to and participated in the raffle; all the proceeds go toward improving the club for all members. And thanks to Sivani, one of our cadets, for ticket selling and raffle management duties.
And then, the sweetest part of the evening, it was dessert time! Members of the club had worked hard to prepare a range of cakes and desserts which went down a treat with the flowing conversation catching up with new and old members of the club and sharing sailing stories from the year.
Once stomachs were full and drinks were ordered, it was time for awards. Tim, our Commodore, presented a wide variety of awards to a number of club members including racing and fleet awards as well as committee-awarded prizes for, amongst others, sportsmanship, crewing, social sailing and of course, one of the most loved trophies, the 'King Duck' for the best capsize (not quite sure if Dave deserves a well done or an oh dear for the spectacular capsize that earnt that award this year). A full list of prize winners will be available soon .
The very last presentation of the evening were some extra special trophies for the cadets who contributed toward the club's win at the Cambridgeshire Youth League this year; a key highlight of the club's activities this season.
A huge thank you to those who cleaned and decorated the clubhouse, manned the bar, provided desserts and to everyone who came along it was a great night and couldn't have been pulled off without the support of many members.
The next event at the club will be the Christmas Dinner on the 8th December the fairy lights may well get another outing! Bookings can be made on the website: https://www.elysailingclub.org/event/1007313
And there's some photos from the evening available on the website gallery: https://www.elysailingclub.org/gallery/250977 (we did, once again, get too caught up in the evening to remember to get a joint photo! Maybe next year...)
Last updated 11:45 on 17 November 2024